Rental Certificate Guarantee Guidelines Rental property owners can earn 40- or 52-month certificates if inspections are scheduled according to certain deadlines.
Rental Registration Rules and Responsibilities Before you register a rental property, know the program rules and your responsibilities as an owner or local agent.
Rental Housing Inspection Checklist Before registering a rental, review common issues that inspectors find during rental housing inspections.
Register a New Rental Property or Update Registration Register a rental property that is not currently registered and certified, or update information for a registered property.
Request a Pre-Sale Rental Inspection Have a property inspected before you buy it to see what would be needed to certify it as rental housing.
Remove a Property or Agent from Rental Registration Remove a rental property from rental registration if it will no longer be used as rental housing, or remove a registered local agent.
Check if a Rental Property is Registered Make sure a rental property is registered and certified before signing a lease or moving in.
CPED Fee Schedule Review fees related to permits, code violations, applications, and other services offered by the Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED) department.
Certify Your Rental Property All rental properties must be registered and certified. If the certificate is expiring for your current rental property, it must be inspected before a new certificate will be issued.
Housing Inspection News Find information about rental housing, inspections, and code enforcement in the Housing Inspection Newsletter created by the Community Planning & Economic Development Department.
Report an Issue with Rental Housing Report issues with your rental housing to the city if your landlord is not being responsive.