Administrative Rules for Marihuana Businesses Read the administrative rules for starting and operating a marihuana business in the City of Kalamazoo.
Marihuana Business FAQ Find answers to frequently asked questions about marihuana businesses in the city of Kalamazoo.
Code of Ordinances Chapter 20B: Marihuana Commercial Businesses Review Chapter 20B of the Code of Ordinances, which includes licensing and other requirements for commercial marihuana businesses.
Marihuana Business Social Equity Program The social equity program allows business owners from certain parts of the city or who have a previous marihuana conviction can qualify for reduced fees and separation distances.
Marihuana Business Documents and Forms Find documents related to marihuana businesses like applications, land use maps, and social equity program documents.
Social Equity Cannabis Chamber Visit the Social Equity Cannabis Chamber website to learn about this equity-focused initiative and incubator program for cannabis businesses in Kalamazoo.
Map of Marihuana Businesses and Separation Distances View a map of marihuana businesses in the city of Kalamazoo and separation distance requirements.