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Wellhead Protection is one of the many ways the City of Kalamazoo protects the groundwater that we all rely on. The Wellhead Protection Program (WHPP) identifies the areas that absorb the water that eventually reaches our water source so they can be protected. By protecting these areas, we can prevent contamination from getting into our water source and keep our water and our community safe.
Wellhead Protection Programs are voluntary for communities in Michigan, but those that choose to participate must follow established state guidelines. Kalamazoo has had a WHPP since 1992. In 2007, the City Commission approved a Wellhead Protection Zoning Overlay to protect the wellfield areas that our water comes from. The Overlay identifies 1- and 10-year time-of-travel capture zones, which indicate the amount of time it would take for water or contamination to flow through the aquifer and reach the water source. At the same time, the Commission also approved standards for Groundwater Protection.
There are a lot of reasons to have a WHPP. Not only do they protect public health by protecting drinking water sources, but they also protect the financial investment in the water system by avoiding environmental cleanups. A WHPP also allows for additional support from state and federal partners when threats to groundwater occur in protected areas.
You can find more information on groundwater and wellhead protection regulations at