Developments that require a two-inch or larger water service, new hydrants, or public water main extension are called Contribution In Aid (CIA) projects. On these projects, the developer’s professional engineer (engineer) works with the City of Kalamazoo to develop a design that meets to standards and specifications. The developer is also responsible for retaining a City-approved contractor(PDF, 35KB) to install the infrastructure. Once the project plan is approved, the City’s project manager/engineer will provide a connection estimate for the project. Work can be scheduled after the estimate is paid. The City will inspect the new water infrastructure as it is installed.
The developer's engineer should submit project plans and an Act 399 Permit (if required) to the City for review. Please email these documents to We will assign an engineer to review the proposed plans and manage the project on behalf of the City. Our goal is to review and respond to these requests within 2-4 weeks.
Our team will review plans for compliance with City Standards(PDF, 2MB), Michigan Public Act 399, and 10-States Standards, and provide comments to the engineer. This iterative process will continue until all requirements are met. A City engineer will stamp the plans and permit (if required) once they are approved and submit them to EGLE for review and permitting. Our team will work with the developer's engineer to address comments provide by EGLE until the Act 399 permit is issued (if required).
The developer should submit draft easements to the City for review and approval, if necessary.
Our team will prepare a connection estimate and provide it to the developer (or their agent upon request). The estimate will include the cost of time and materials necessary to inspect and test the water main, hydrant, and/or service installation, and the Water System Capacity Buy-In Fee. This fee is based on development meter sizes and fire service backflow preventer size. This sizing information shall be provided to the engineer for the connection estimate. Any changes during construction may result in additional connection estimate fees being required. It also covers any associated costs to tap existing water mains. Once the connection estimate is paid, we will order City-provided materials.
Water Service Agreement Appendix D: Cost Schedule(PDF, 486KB) Water Service Agreement Appendix G: Water System Capacity Buy-in Fee(PDF, 904KB)
The developer provides submittals for the project materials for review and approval. A City inspector will meet with the developer's contractor(s) prior to work beginning. They will provide a copy of the approved plan and specifications to the developer's contractor and discuss expectations.
The contractor must schedule taps with the City (when required). City staff will perform all tapping. The developer is responsible for all excavating, back filling, installation, and restoration. The inspector will visit the active work site twice daily and facilitate coordination between tradespeople (excavator, plumber, and fire). No joints can be back filled without inspection. The inspector will work with contractors on required flushing, pressure testing, chlorination, and bacteriological sampling.
The contractor must provide completed as-builts during construction to the City. For large projects, daily as-builts are required. This includes valve cards, hydrant cards, and service cards. Please reference the City's specifications for a complete listing of requirements. GPS points shall be in the State Plane Coordinate System with NAVD88 as the vertical datum submitted by email, flash drive, or file share link as a CAD file, a CSV, or shape files.
The developer will provide executed easements (where required) to the City. The service meters will be set, water will be turned on, and hydrants will be placed in service. The project will be closed out.