Help with Utility Bills
The City of Kalamazoo is making critical investments in our water and wastewater systems. These investments include replacing aging water mains, removing lead service lines, sewer improvements, reducing odors, and improving the treatment plant and water stations.
Improvements to our publicly owned utilities are funded by all of us by the rates that we pay. To make these investments, improve service, and meet regulatory requirements, rates have increased in recent years and are projected to increase over the next several years.
The rates that we pay in Kalamazoo are still low relative to similar communities, but we understand the strain they can create for some households. There is financial and other help available.
Help with Overdue Bills
The Community Action Agency of SW Michigan can help low-income households pay overdue bills. Call 211 or 1-877-422-2726 for more information and to schedule an appointment. You'll need ID's for everyone in the home over 18, Social Security Cards for everyone in the home, your food stamp determination letter (if applicable), proof of all household income for the past 30 days, and a copy of your water bill.
Payment Plans & Due Date Extensions
Payment Plans & Due Date Extensions are available. Call 311 or (269) 337-8000 for help.
Lower Your Utility and Energy Bills through Energy Efficiency
Free help is available to reduce your homes energy and utility bills through a partnership with Consumers Energy. Qualified customers can get up to $50 of water and energy saving products for free to make their homes more energy efficient.
During the home energy analysis, a trained analyst will visit your home for about 90 minutes. They will evaluate your home and identify ways that it can be made more efficient. With your approval, they will install things like LED light bulbs, faucet aerators, high efficiency shower heads, water heater pipe wrap, and programmable thermostats. They will also provide dye kits that can help check your toilets to see if they are leaking and constantly using water. These things can save as much as $150 per year. After the analysis is completed, you will receive a summary report with additional recommendations to improve your home's comfort and efficiency.
Use promo code Kzoo21 when scheduling.
Schedule a Free Home Energy Analysis