Find information on warming shelters in the Kalamazoo area.
You can search for geographic and property information online using Kalamazoo's Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping.You can search for a specific location or view a variety of useful layers for things like zoning, natural features, voting, and collection dates. Please review the disclaimer on the bottom of this page before proceeding.
Click the button below to visit the City of Kalamazoo's online GIS Map viewer. By default, the map will show general information and parcels. You can zoom in and out and click on a parcel to see more information about that property. You can also click the link the pop-up window to see the property record in BS&A online.
There are a series of buttons located in the top right side of the screen in the blue header bar. You can use these buttons to customize what is displayed on the map, view the legend, measure distances, print, and other functions.
View GIS Web Map
Click the layers button in the blue header to view a list of available layers. You can toggle available layers on and off using the check boxes to the left of each. Many layers can also be expanded to toggle individual elements of each. You can use layers to view voting information, waste collection schedules, natural features, historic districts, zoning districts, and more.
The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety provides GIS crime mapping on their website. Click the button below to view crime mapping.
View Crime Mapping
Digital orthophotography products are supplied in TIFF (.TIF) format.
Contour files are supplied in AutoCAD drawing file (.DWG) format.
A $2 media cost also applies to all products.
Planimetric and utility data can be supplied in ArcView shapefile format or Arc/Info exchange file (.e00) format:
Maps and documents made available to the public by the City are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. The City has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact (269) 337-8835. The City shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided.