We're currently looking for feedback for the Plan It! phase of Imagine Kalamazoo 2035! There are several public meetings scheduled, or you can share your perspective online in two activities.
Any cars or trucks that are stored outside in non-working condition or that are not properly licensed are considered junk vehicles. You can report a junk vehicle online or by calling 311. Vehicles that are generally used but are temporarily not in running condition are not considered junk under local ordinance.
Use the information on this page to report junk vehicles stored on private property. If the vehicle is parked on a city street, please report it to Public Safety by calling (269) 488-8911.
Complete the brief form below to report a junk vehicle in the city. Please only report junk vehicles that are located on private property. Vehicles that are in or parked on city streets should be reported to Public Safety by calling (269) 488-8911.
Report a Junk Vehicle
An inspector will visit the property within three days to confirm the report. If confirmed, we'll let the property owner know their property is out of compliance and they will have 10 days to correct the violation. We'll reinspect the property after 10 days to confirm the issue has been resolved. If the issue has not been addressed after 10 days, the matter will be referred to Public Safety, who will tag the vehicle to notify the owner of escalating enforcement.
You can report junk vehicles on private property by calling 311 or (269) 337-8000. Vehicles that are in or parked on city streets should be reported to Public Safety by calling (269) 488-8911.