November 18, 2024 City Commission Action Summary

Published on November 19, 2024

At its meeting on November 18, 2024, the City Commission took the following actions. You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports and documents related to each agenda item (beyond what is provided below) here.    

Consent Agenda (G)

The City Commission approved items G1-14:

  1. Approval of a contract with Santiago Services for 2024-2025 sidewalk snow and ice clearing services in the amount of $100,000.
  2. Approval of a contract with Jones Chemical Inc. for the purchase of liquid chlorine cylinders for water treatment in the total amount of $173,375.
  3. Approval of a one-year contract with Carus LLC for the purchase of sodium hexametaphosphate in the amount of $184,140.
  4. Approval of a one-year contract with Elhorn Engineering Company for the purchase of liquid phosphate for water treatment in the amount of $192,265.92.
  5. Approval of a two-year contract extension with Maner Costerisan PC for outside auditing services in the amount of $200,600.
  6. Approval of a one-year contract with Alexander Chemical Corporation for the purchase of fluorosilicic acid for water treatment in the amount of $214,500.
  7. Approval of a sole source contract with D3W Industries for odor control chemicals for biosolids processing in the amount of $498,150.
  8. Adoption of a RESOLUTION setting a public hearing on December 16, 2024 to consider the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for the City of Kalamazoo.
  9. Approval of a RESOLUTION authorizing the Director of Community Planning and Economic Development, or their designee, to represent the City of Kalamazoo in Small Claims Court.
  10. Approval of the allocation of one Full-Time Equivalent (1 FTE) staff position in the Management Services Department for the new position of Grants Compliance Specialist.
  11. Adoption of the updates to the Kalamazoo Water System Utility Financial Policy regarding reserve requirements.
  12. Approval of a time extension to the Local Initiatives Support Corporation 2023 Rental Rehabilitation program funded by Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery / ARPA Funds.
  13. Approval of an agreement with the Kalamazoo Youth Development Network for a grant of ARPA funds in the amount of $500,000 to provide youth programming for the summer of 2025.
  14. Acceptance of grants totaling $304,000 from the Michigan Department of Transportation for the 2026 Local Bridge Program to fund preventative maintenance of the bridges on Alcott Street, Dutton Street, Portage Street, and Vine Street over Portage Creek.

Regular Agenda (H)

The City Commission approved items H1: 

  1. First reading of an ordinance to amend certain sections of Chapter 38 of the Kalamazoo City Code to change the rates charged for drinking water. (Action: Motion to offer for first reading)
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