May 20, 2024 City Commission Action Summary

Published on May 20, 2024

At its meeting on May 20, 2024, the City Commission took the following actions. You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports and documents related to each agenda item (beyond what is provided below) here.    

Consent Agenda (G)

The City Commission approved items G1 & G3. Item G2 was moved to the Regular Agenda:

  1. Approval of an agreement with Western Michigan University to conduct a multi- year study of the economic vitality of downtown Kalamazoo for the amount of $115,000 (moved to Regular Agenda H3).

Regular Agenda (H)

The City Commission approved item H1-3:

  1. First reading of an ordinance to amend the Kalamazoo City Code, Chapter 2- Article X Employee Retirement System, §2-243. (Action: Motion to offer for first reading)
  2. Adoption of a RESOLUTION adopting a FY2025 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund project plan for drinking water system improvements and designating James J. Baker, PE, as the authorized project representative. (Action: Motion to adopt the resolution)
  3. Approval of an agreement with Western Michigan University to conduct a multi- year study of the economic vitality of downtown Kalamazoo for the amount of $115,000. (moved from Consent Agenda)
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