June 3, 2024 City Commission Action Summary

Published on June 04, 2024

At its meeting on June 3, 2024, the City Commission took the following actions. You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports and documents related to each agenda item (beyond what is provided below) here.    

Consent Agenda (G)

The City Commission approved items G1, G3-G6, and G8. Items G2 and G8 were moved to the Regular Agenda:

  1. Approval of a professional services agreement with Wightman & Associates for construction engineering services for the Michikal improvements project in the amount of $214,050.
  2. Approval of a contract supplemental with Wightman & Associates for design of the Kalamazoo Avenue 2-way conversion in the amount of $229,000. (This item was moved to the Regular Agenda, H4)
  3. Approval of a professional services agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc for lift station control panels, programming, and engineering support in the amount of $465,000.
  4. Adoption of a RESOLUTION approving a request from the Downtown Development Authority to levy a tax rate of 1.9638 mills.
  5. Adoption of a RESOLUTION confirming the 2024 Assessment Roll.
  6. Adoption of a RESOLUTION recommending approval of a Social District and Commons Area Permit for KZoo Tacos, LLC DBA Barrio located at 215 E Michigan Ave.
  7. Adoption of a RESOLUTION to decertify East Harkins Court, Milham Park Drive, and Caves Court for the purposes of Act 51 funding.
  8. Adoption of a RESOLUTION to decertify Peake Road and Circle Street for the purposes of Act 51 funding. (This item was moved to the Regular Agenda, H5)
  9. Adoption of a RESOLUTION to certify the Portage/Pitcher Connector and Harrison Street and decertify East Kilgore Road, Gibson Street, Bank Street, and West Michigan Avenue for the purposes of Act 51 funding. 
  10. Approval of a request from the Kalamazoo Country Club for a permit to publicly display fireworks at 1609 Whites Road on Thursday, July 4th.

Regular Agenda (H)

The City Commission approved items H1, H2, H4, and H5. Item H3 was pulled from the agenda and will be considered on June 17. 

  1. Acceptance of a $12,272,799 Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program Grant from the United States Department of Transportation and approval of a budget amendment. (Action: Motion to accept the grant and approve the budget amendment)
  2. Adoption of an ORDINANCE to amend the Kalamazoo City Code, Chapter 2- Article X Employee Retirement System, §2-243. (Action: Motion to adopt)
  3. First reading of an ordinance to amend sections within Chapter 36, the Traffic Code, related to overnight parking, meter rates, and operational hours of meters. (Postponed to June 17 meeting)
  4. Approval of a contract supplemental with Wightman & Associates for design of the Kalamazoo Avenue 2-way conversion in the amount of $229,000. (This item was moved from the Consent Agenda, G2)
  5. Adoption of a RESOLUTION to decertify Peake Road and Circle Street for the purposes of Act 51 funding. (Moved from Consent Agenda, G8)
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