July 5, 2023 City Commission Action Summary

Published on July 06, 2023

At its meeting on July 5, 2023, the City Commission took the following actions. You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports on each agenda item here

Consent Agenda (G)

The City Commission approved items 2-8 and 10-13. Items G1 and G9 were moved to the Regular Agenda and Item G14 was postponed until July 17, 2023: 

  1. Approval of a professional service agreement with Wightman & Associates in the amount of $386,500 to cover the remaining engineering design costs for the Kalamazoo Avenue two-way street conversion project (moved to Regular Agenda).
  2. Approval of the purchase of one bucket truck from Altec Industries Inc. in the amount of $189,643. 
  3. Approve a contract with Davis Construction, Inc. for the replacement and reconstruction of Schippers Lane Culvert in the amount of $138,872.50.
  4. Approval of a professional service agreement with OHM Advisors for construction engineering services related to the Inkster Bridge construction work through MDOT Contract Number 23-5150, for a not to exceed cost of $278,000.
  5. Approval of a contract with Pipeline Management Company for the 2023 Catch Basin Cleaning Program in the amount of $112,500.
  6. Acceptance of a grant from Region 5 Homeland Security in the amount of $34,440 for the purchase of a Gemini Chemical Identification Analyzer.
  7. Approval of the sole source purchase of a Gemini Chemical Identification Analyzer from Thermo Scientific for the Kalamazoo County Hazardous Materials Response Team in the amount of $120,255.
  8. Adoption of a RESOLUTION approving an Act 381 Brownfield Plan for the redevelopment project at 215 E. Michigan Avenue.
  9. Acceptance of a grant in the amount of $204,500 from The Recycling Partnership, Inc. to improve educational materials and participation in the City's residential recycling program (moved to Regular Agenda).
  10. Approval of KDPS Deputy Chief Matt Huber's election to enter the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP).
  11. Approval and acceptance of an easement agreement with the City of Parchment for the continued installation and operation of Water Pressure Reducing Station 44.
  12. Approval and acceptance of an easement agreement with Valley Vision Construction and Development for water main that will be installed as part of the 2023 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Water System Upgrades Project.
  13. Approval of an agreement for the sale of 710 N Edwards Street to Hazel L Cook, owner of 714 N Edwards Street, for the sale price of $150.
  14. Approval of minutes from the City Commission meetings on August 29, September 6, September 19, October 3, October 17, November 7, November 21, November 28, December 1, December 5, and December 19, 2022 (postponed to July 17, 2023 meeting).  

Regular Agenda (H)

The City Commission approved items 1-5 (H4 and H5 were moved from the Consent Agenda):

  1. Approval of a new contract with the United Way of South Central Michigan (formerly the United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region) to adjust funding sources for the final year of the original three-year Business Development Agreement.
  2. Approval of a contract with SWT Excavating, Inc. for FY 23 DWRF Contract 1 - Water System Improvements, in the amount of $8,995,875.38
  3. Approval of a contract with SWT Excavating for FY 23 DWRF Contract 2 – Northside Non-Copper Service Line Replacements, in the amount of $5,310,449.76
  4. Approval of a professional service agreement with Wightman & Associates in the amount of $386,500 to cover the remaining engineering design costs for the Kalamazoo Avenue two-way street conversion project (moved from Consent Agenda G1).
  5. Acceptance of a grant in the amount of $204,500 from The Recycling Partnership, Inc. to improve educational materials and participation in the City's residential recycling program (moved from Consent Agenda G9). 
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