July 15, 2024 City Commission Action Summary

Published on July 15, 2024

At its meeting on July 15, 2024, the City Commission took the following actions. You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports and documents related to each agenda item (beyond what is provided below) here.    

Consent Agenda (G)

The City Commission approved items G1-9:

  1. Approval of a one-year renewal of DarkTrace Licensing from SHI International through the MiDeal Cooperative Purchase Program in the amount of $149,876.22.
  2. Approval of a professional service agreement with Jones & Henry Engineers for the F Avenue & 28th Street water main design in the amount of $223,000.
  3. Approval of an open term Memorandum of Understanding with the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County for sewer manhole replacements in an amount not to exceed $250,000 per fiscal year; and to authorize James J. Baker, PE as the authorized project representative.
  4. Approval of a contract supplemental and change order with RK Davis for additional work items within the limits of the Tertiary Treatment Project in the amount of $815,751.65.
  5. Adoption of a RESOLUTION scheduling a public hearing for August 12, 2024 to receive comments on a request from 5135 Portage Road, LLC to establish a Commercial Redevelopment District at 5135 and 5137 Portage Road.
  6. Adoption of a RESOLUTION approving the 12th Amendment to the Revised Brownfield Plan for the City of Kalamazoo.
  7. Approval of a request from Western Michigan University to publicly display fireworks at Hyames Field and Waldo Stadium on September 14 and November 6, 2024.
  8. Approval of a purchase agreement with Douglas Alexander Nabors for the purchase of 731 Pioneer Street and 737 Pioneer Street in the amount of $60,000.
  9. Approval of the minutes from the City Commission meetings on June 17, 2024.

Regular Agenda (H)

The City Commission approved items H1-5 and H7-10. Item H5 was postponed to August 12, 2024 to allow staff time to make changes based on City Commission discussion: 

  1. Adoption of a RESOLUTION approving the Westwood Neighborhood Plan 2024 as a sub-area plan to the 2025 Master Plan. (Action: Motion to adopt)
  2. Authorization for the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority to accept a State of Michigan EGLE Brownfield Redevelopment Grant in the amount of $1,000,000 in support of the Brewsters Redevelopment Project (Action: Motion to authorize)
  3. Acceptance of a USDA Inflation Reduction Act Urban and Community Forestry Grant in the amount of $1,000,000 (Action: Motion to accept the grant and authorize the City Manager to sign all related documents)
  4. Approval of a supplemental and change order to the GPI Effluent Sewer Realignment Project for groundwater dewatering and treatment in the amount of $1,000,615. (Action: Motion to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign all related documents)
  5. Adoption of an ORDINANCE to amend the Kalamazoo City Code, Chapter 29–5 Floodplain Management (Action: Motion to adopt).
  6. Adoption of ORDINANCES to amend the sections within Kalamazoo City Code, Chapter 36, the Traffic Code, related to overnight parking, meter rates, and operational hours of meters; and adoption of a RESOLUTION adopting a parking fee schedule for the City of Kalamazoo. (Action: Motion to adopt)
  7. Adoption of an ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance of Wastewater Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2024 for an amount not to exceed $14,000,000; and adoption of a Notice of Sale RESOLUTION. (Action: Motion to adopt)
  8. Adoption of an ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance of Water Supply System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024, in the amount of $33,000,000; and adoption of a Notice of Sale RESOLUTION. (Action: Motion to adopt)
  9. Adoption of an ORDINANCE Authorizing Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2024B in an amount not to exceed $19,000,000. (Action: Motion to adopt)
  10. Adoption of a RESOLUTION authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds in an amount not to exceed $9,200,000, for the purpose of financing FY 2024 capital projects. (Action: Motion to adopt) 
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