We're currently looking for feedback for the Plan It! phase of Imagine Kalamazoo 2035! There are several public meetings scheduled, or you can share your perspective online in two activities.
City Commission meetings and meetings of several other boards and commissions are available to watch live online (including the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Citizens Public Safety Review and Appeals Board, Civil Rights Board, Natural Features Protection Review Board, and Environmental Concerns Committee). You can watch these meetings on the City of Kalamazoo's Facebook and YouTube pages, on Public Media Networks website, and local government channel 190 if you are a cable subscriber.
Some meetings that are broadcast or live streamed accept public comments by telephone. To provide public comment by phone, you must call into the meeting during the appropriate time for public comment. The meeting agenda will show where the public comment period is relative to the other business before the board. If you call outside of the public comment period, you will not have the opportunity to comment. Please mute your TV or computer during your comments to help prevent feedback.
To provide public comment by phone, call in during the public comment period of the meeting:
Not all meetings accept public comments by phone. All meetings welcome public comments by attendees. You can can also share your feedback and comments with City Commissioners via email.