We're currently looking for feedback for the Plan It! phase of Imagine Kalamazoo 2035! There are several public meetings scheduled, or you can share your perspective online in two activities.
Kalamazoo has several boards and commissions that advise the City Commission on specific topics or serve in a quasi-judicial role. Board and commission members serve on a volunteer basis. Membership requirements and term length vary by board. Serving on a board or commission is a great way to get involved in our community. Learn how to apply below.
Board, commission, and committee applications are accepted on a rolling basis, which means there might not be any openings on a board at the time an application is submitted. Applications remain on file in the City Clerk’s Office for one year from the submission date.
You can apply to join any of Kalamazoo's boards, committees, or commissions by completing the brief application below. We will ask about your relevant experience, for two references, and for a resume or any other supporting documentation that you wish to attach.
We will also ask for demographic information. This is optional, but it helps us know if we are meeting our goals to be inclusive in our outreach for board and commission membership.
Apply to Join a Board, Commission, or Committee
The City Clerk's Office reviews each application for completeness and basic qualifications (city residency is required for certain positions, etc.). Complete applications are sent to the staff liaison for the relevant board for review (board members are nominated by the boards themselves).
If there is a vacancy, the board, commission, or committee will review your application and determine whether or not to nominate you for membership. If so, they will submit an official nomination for consideration and final approval by the Mayor and City Commission.
The City Clerk's Office accepts applications for Kalamazoo's various boards and commission. They can help you apply in person in their office on the first floor of City Hall at 241 W South Street.
Your submitted application will be reviewed by the staff liaison for the board or commission. They will contact you to discuss the final steps of the process. Depending on the board or commission, applicants may need to attend a meeting or be interviewed. Some boards or commissions are required to recommend appointment of new members for the City Commission or Mayor's approval.
Public meetings of Kalamazoo's boards and commissions.
Learn about Kalamazoo's advisory boards and commissions.
Find agendas and minutes for Kalamazoo's boards and commissions.