Sustainability Plans & Reports Review plans and reports like the Community Sustainability Plan and Greenhouse Gas Reports.
Urban Deer in Kalamazoo Find information about urban deer in Kalamazoo, efforts to manage the deer population, and how to address related quality of life issues. Learn more about Kalamazoo's groundwater and how you can help protect it at
Buzz In The Zoo Buzz in the Zoo is all about transforming our community into a pollinator paradise. By making small, simple changes to our lawn care, we can support Michigan’s butterflies, bees, and other pollinators while keeping our neighborhoods vibrant.
Wellhead Protection Program Learn how the City of Kalamazoo protects the groundwater that we all rely on.
Stormwater Management Plan Review the City of Kalamazoo's Stormwater Management Plan and provide feedback or comments.
Environmental Concerns Committee The Environmental Concerns Committee (ECC) monitors significant environmental trends affecting the City of Kalamazoo and advises the City Manager and City Commission regarding environmental matters.
Natural Features Protection Review Board The NFP Review Board provides expert knowledges on natural features, development, or construction to help staff with Site Plan Review. NFP Board approval is needed before a site plan can be approved in NFP Overlay areas.