This project will remove and replace approximately 1,550 non-copper water services from the water system in 2025. This work will primarily be located in the Edison Neighborhood. If your home will have its water service replaced, you will receive a letter about this project. The contractor will coordinate with you when the work will take place.
The City of Kalamazoo applied for funding from the State of Michigan's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) which provides low interest rate loans with the possibility of partial or full forgiveness. The City was awarded $20.35 million in grant and loan funding. $14,250,097.01 is allocated to fund this project and 49% of the loan principal will be forgiven. The balance is allocated to the Knollwood Pipe Lining Project.
In addition to these large water service replacement projects, City staff regularly test water for lead and perform individual replacements as needed based on testing results.