The O'Connor Fund

The O'Connor Fund for Historic Preservation was created in 2000 to help the Kalamazoo Historic Preservation Commission (KHPC) support historic preservation activity in Kalamazoo by Pam O'Connor (who was a member of the KHPC at the time) and her husband Terry.

In 2022, the KHPC developed the O'Connor Fund/KHPC Competitive Grant Program to support two types of preservation projects: exterior building rehabilitation and preservation planning.

The Competitive Grant Program is the Primary means by which the KHPC will financially support projects. Qualifying organizations should review all Program documents, including Eligibility Criteria, Project Types, Scoring and Conditions requirements below to determine if they qualify to submit an application for an EXTERIOR Rehabilitation or Preservation Planning proposal.

(Note: The KHPC also occasionally makes gifts for projects not addressed through this Competitive Grant program. You can find additional information on gift-making guidelines here(PDF, 142KB) .

Eligibility Criteria

Grants between $2,000 to $10,000 may be awarded for projects that are: 

  • Located within the city of Kalamazoo
  • Align with one or both of the Imagine Kalamazoo and Michigan Statewide Historic Preservation Plans
  • For Exterior Rehabilitation Projects – the building must be owned and occupied by a 501(c)(3) or other non-profit organization that does not receive public funds as part of its operational funding stream.
  • For Preservation Planning Projects – the project must be organized and undertaken by a 501(c)(3) or other non-profit organization that does not receive public funds as part of its operational funding stream. The subject of the planning effort must include buildings, areas or other resources that are more than 50 years old or are located where a majority of resources are more than 50 years old.

Eligible Project Types

All Projects must be carried out or supervised by a qualified professional with experience in the project’s associated field. 

Rehabilitation Projects may include: Exterior work on the resource, including elements such as roofs and chimneys, walls, windows and doors, fire escapes, elevators, foundations and other exterior components.

Some proposed Exterior Rehabilitation Projects may be designated in a Local Historic District, and require approval by the Kalamazoo Historic District Commission before a project can commence. Check for this requirement before submitting your application (see “Related Information on the Intro page.) If it is locally designated, call the Historic Preservation Coordinator at (269) 337-8804 before you begin planning your application.

Use the “Layers” drop down in the upper right and select “Historic Districts and Places” on the menu, and then go to the nearby “Legends” drop down to determine if your property is Locally designated. If it is, call the City’s Historic Preservation Coordinator well before you begin your application to confirm and learn more at 269-337-8804. 

Completed Exterior Rehabilitation Projects must meet the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (see “Related Information” to on the right side of this page)

Preservation Planning Projects may include: Economic Feasibility Studies, Historic Building Condition Reports, preparing architectural rehabilitation plans for a project, National or Local Historic District study reports, under-represented communities surveys, designation nominations, and other planning activities as determined by the Grant Making committee.

If a planning project includes pre-rehabilitation studies or reports, recommended actions in the final study/report must meet the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (see “Related Information” to on the right side of this page)

Project Scoring

Projects are scored for: Comportment with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards (see “Related Information” on the Intro page), Program Alignment with established preservation plans, Community Impact, Organizational Capacity, Financial Support already acquired, and historic designation or age.

Review the Grant Scoring Sheet (see “Related Information” on the right side of this page).

View the Historic Districts on GIS Maps (see “Related Information” on the right side of this page).

The application deadline is May 16, 2025.  Grants will be pre-reviewed for eligibility and completeness. After that, they are reviewed by the Grant-making Committee for scoring and recommendations. Finally, the recommendations are considered at a KHPC meeting held in June. A location and time for the meeting have not yet been selected, but will be shared with finalists of the grant selection process. Representatives for the applicant are invited to attend and observe both the scoring and KHPC consideration meetings.


The Kalamazoo Historic Preservation Commission reserves the right to make or not make an award for any grant period.  

Grants are made on a reimbursable basis. Receipts are REQUIRED. Grantee will maintain and present receipts for all transactions.  

The KHPC may consider a reimbursement request for 50% of receipts payable when half of the project cost is expended, if the work follows the Secretary of Interior’s Standards (see “Related Information” on the Intro page.) The remainder will be paid when the project is concluded as approved and receipts are submitted. 

The KHPC may take or use others’ photos of funded projects and retains the right to use all of those photos and associated narratives for publicity purposes. 

At a project’s conclusion, the grantee is required to submit a 1 page, single-sided report within 90 days to the City’s Historic Preservation Coordinator, and include 2-4 images of the project that best represent the completed project. 

Grantees must agree to and sign a five-year “Preservation Agreement” and abide by the terms of the preservation agreement for its duration. For links to the Preservation Agreements, see “Related Information” on the Intro page. 

Projects must adhere to all city ordinances.


Step 1.Review eligibility and grant information

Before starting your grant application, review all the grant information provided on this page and its “Related Information” section.

Step 2.Prepare your documentation 

Applicants are strongly encouraged to begin work on reviewing the related information and links provided in the grant application well in advance and obtaining the required materials, including project quotations. Requesting quotations four months in advance of the application due date is not too early. If you have questions, contact the City’s Historic Preservation Coordinator.

When completing your application, you will be asked for the below items. Applications that meet the eligibility and project criteria and have completed documentation and attachments will be reviewed. The application will ask for:

  • Up to 15 photos showing street context and details of the project area
  • A project budget summary
  • A financial statement 
  • Proof of non-profit status
  • Minimum 2 Contractor’s quotes, no more than 6 months old
  • OPTIONAL - Letters of support for the project
  • OPTIONAL – Anything else we need to know about your project. Limit to 1 page or less.
  • A completed Grant Application Checklist (see “Related Information” on the right side of this page)

Step 3.Submit an application

Submit an application online. Make sure you upload all supporting documents requested. If you would like a paper copy of the application, please contact the Historic Preservation Coordinator.  

Apply for a Grant

The deadline to apply for a 2024 O'Connor Fund Grant is Friday, May 16.

Step 4.Application Review

Projects are scored for comportment with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards (see “Related Information” on the Intro page), Program Alignment with established preservation plans, Community Impact, Organizational Capacity, Financial Support already acquired, and Historic Designation or age (see “Related Information” on the right side of this page).

Projects must adhere to all city ordinances.

Applications will be reviewed at a public meeting of the Kalamazoo Historic Preservation Commission. Grantees will be announced in June.

Step 5.Award & Commencement of Project

Successful applicants will be notified in June and required to submit a signed and notarized Preservation Agreement for the project type (see “Related Information” on the right side of this page).

The grantee will also receive additional information upon award, such as how to recognize the O'Connor Fund and KHPC on signage, printed materials, and social or other digital media.

Work must be completed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards (see “Related Information” on the right side of this page). Representatives of the O'Connor Fund or KHPC may visit the project site at reasonable times to ensure the agreement conditions are being observed. The project must adhere to all city ordinances.

Grantees must abide by the terms of the preservation agreement for its duration.