All Projects must be carried out or supervised by a qualified professional with experience in the project’s associated field.
Rehabilitation Projects may include: Exterior work on the resource, including elements such as roofs and chimneys, walls, windows and doors, fire escapes, elevators, foundations and other exterior components.
Some proposed Exterior Rehabilitation Projects may be designated in a Local Historic District, and require approval by the Kalamazoo Historic District Commission before a project can commence. Check for this requirement before submitting your application (see “Related Information on the Intro page.) If it is locally designated, call the Historic Preservation Coordinator at (269) 337-8804 before you begin planning your application.
Use the “Layers” drop down in the upper right and select “Historic Districts and Places” on the menu, and then go to the nearby “Legends” drop down to determine if your property is Locally designated. If it is, call the City’s Historic Preservation Coordinator well before you begin your application to confirm and learn more at 269-337-8804.
Completed Exterior Rehabilitation Projects must meet the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (see “Related Information” to on the right side of this page)
Preservation Planning Projects may include: Economic Feasibility Studies, Historic Building Condition Reports, preparing architectural rehabilitation plans for a project, National or Local Historic District study reports, under-represented communities surveys, designation nominations, and other planning activities as determined by the Grant Making committee.
If a planning project includes pre-rehabilitation studies or reports, recommended actions in the final study/report must meet the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (see “Related Information” to on the right side of this page)