We're currently looking for feedback for the Plan It! phase of Imagine Kalamazoo 2035! There are several public meetings scheduled, or you can share your perspective online in two activities.
Historic District Standards outline what type of work is permissible in Kalamazoo's historic districts. Before buying materials or planning work, review the applicable standards that would apply to your project. If you have questions, please contact the Historic Preservation Coordinator at (269) 337-8804.
View standards and guidelines for demolishing a structure in a historic district.
View standards and guidelines for replacing exterior doors in a historic district.
Find standards and guidelines for fences in historic districts
Find standards and guidelines for moving structures within a historic district.
Find standards and guidelines for new construction in a historic district.
Find standards and guidelines for porches and decks in historic districts.
Find standards and guidelines for residing and trim cladding in historic districts.
Find standards and guidelines for roofs in historic districts.
Find standards and guidelines for satellite dishes and antennas.
Find standards and guidelines for signs in historic districts.
Find standards and guidelines for windows in historic districts.