Join us at Woodward Elementary school on Saturday, October 21st for a four hour workshop introducing elements of tree planting, maintenance of newly planted trees, and benefits of trees to the environment and your quality of life. We will discuss tree biology, the various benefits of planting trees, urban forest management, and how to best plant a tree. Then we will demonstrate and provide a hands-on opportunity to plant trees and perform maintenance to newly planted trees and existing trees as available. Six trees will be planted across the neighborhood including along Allen Blvd, near West Main Park, at Woodward School and more!
ReLeaf Michigan’s tree experts will be there to show volunteers how to plant a tree and oversee the event. Please wear closed-toe shoes and bring a shovel, hard rake and gloves if you have them. Event occurs rain or shine (we’re a hearty group!). No planting experience necessary. Families are welcome! We hope to see you there!
To volunteer, please sign up at Questions, please contact Nolan Bergstrom at (269) 337-8045 or
Woodward School (meet in cafeteria), 606 Stuart Ave, Kalamazoo, 49007, View Map
606 Stuart Ave , Kalamazoo 49007