Riverside Cemetery is the larger of the two city-owned cemeteries. It is located at 1015 Gull Rd, with entrances on both Gull Road and Riverview Drive.
Riverside Cemetery has been municipally owned since it was founded in the 1860s. It covers a diverse landscape, with areas that are shady, open, rolling, and flat. From parts of Riverside Cemetery, you can see downtown Kalamazoo and Spring Valley Park. When the sun is in the western sky it radiantly lights up the west-most landscape. There is a view to enjoy at almost every angle.
We welcome you to visit our cemetery to reflect, contemplate, learn, and enjoy the peace and beauty Riverside Cemetery has to offer. You can find detailed maps on this web page. The overall cemetery map is also available in the mailbox behind the old office building near the front of the cemetery.
Riverside Cemetery Database Riverside Cemetery Veterans Memorial Riverside Cemetery Potter's Field
Riverside Cemetery Section Map(PDF, 89KB)
Section FF(PDF, 110KB) Section G(PDF, 125KB) Section GG(PDF, 91KB) Section H(PDF, 93KB) Section HH(PDF, 75KB) Section I(PDF, 72KB) Section II(PDF, 68KB) Section J(PDF, 57KB) Section K(PDF, 84KB) Section KK(PDF, 67KB) Section L(PDF, 71KB) Section LL(PDF, 70KB) Section M(PDF, 53KB) Section MM(PDF, 76KB) Section N(PDF, 49KB) Section NN(PDF, 67KB) Section O(PDF, 60KB) Section OO(PDF, 74KB) Section P(PDF, 70KB) Section PP(PDF, 79KB) Section Q(PDF, 41KB) Section QQ(PDF, 77KB) Section R(PDF, 95KB) Section RR(PDF, 133KB) Section S(PDF, 79KB) Section SS(PDF, 102KB) Section T(PDF, 57KB) Section TT(PDF, 252KB) Section U(PDF, 84KB) Section UU(PDF, 86KB) Section V(PDF, 101KB) Section VV(PDF, 135KB) Section W(PDF, 75KB) Section X(PDF, 62KB) Section Y(PDF, 142KB) Section Z(PDF, 70KB) Section ZZ(PDF, 104KB)