All graves shall face north and south.
All monuments, markers or other mementos shall be flush with the surrounding grade except for a monument, marker or other memento which shall be described in this resolution as an “upright monument”, one of which may be placed on each lot in said section containing two or more burial spaces. All inscriptions shall face the nearest path or roadway.
Single burial spaces shall be restricted to flush markers, one marker not to exceed 24 inches in length and 14 inches in width shall be allowed. On two adjacent burial spaces, as an alternative to an upright marker, one marker not to exceed 36 inches in length and fourteen (14) inches in width shall be allowed. All flush markers shall not exceed four inches in thickness and the base thereof shall be level and smooth.
Each group of two or more gravesites may have a single upright memorial not to exceed 38 inches in length and 14 inches in width. The total height of said upright monument shall not exceed 40 inches above the surrounding grade. 5. Each group of three or more gravesites may have a single upright marker not to exceed 52 inches in length and 14 inches in width. The total height of said upright monument shall not exceed 40 inches above the surrounding grade.
Each group of four or more gravesites may have a single upright marker not to exceed 56 inches in length and 14 inches in width. The total height of said upright monument shall not exceed 40 inches above the surrounding grade.
Said monument, marker or memento shall be placed on a line established by the Director of the Department of Public Services adjacent to and facing the nearest path.
No flower, shrubbery, evergreen or other plantings by the owner shall be permitted. Two receptacles for cut flowers in a bouquet-holder which can be submerged to ground level into an underground container or containers shall be permitted. Flowers will be removed by cemetery personnel, the Director of the Department of Public Services, or designee when found to be wilted or dead. Any flowers or decorations placed in violation of the resolution will be removed immediately. Winter wreaths or blankets will be permitted between the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving and the first Sunday in March. All winter wreaths and blankets will be removed immediately after the first Sunday in March. The cemetery is not responsible for any of these decorations should they be removed by someone other than cemetery personnel, the Director of the Department of Public Services, or designee.