Secondary Building Standards

Secondary buildings (like sheds, carports, detached garages, and storage buildings) are to be incidental, smaller, and less prominent than the primary structure on the site.

Placement and Size

  • Secondary buildings may not be placed in the front yard.
  • Secondary buildings cannot be located closer to the corner-side property line than the primary structure.
  • Secondary buildings located in the rear yard may be placed within three feet of side or rear property line.
  • Please note that if a secondary building is placed in a side yard the building setbacks would then be the same as what would apply to the primary structure.
  • Accessory structures shall not be larger than the footprint of the primary structure or building
  • The secondary buildings count towards a lot's impervious coverage maximum.


Accessory structures shall not exceed a height of the primary structure.


Accessory structures must be constructed at the same time as primary building or after the construction of the primary building.

Permit Requirements

Building Permits are required for accessory structures over 120 square feet in area.

Historic District

For a property located in a Historic District, there are standards for accessory structures under new construction