90974-002.0 Bid Tabulation(PDF, 15KB)
90974-002.0 Addendum #1(PDF, 428KB)
90974-002.0 Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance(PDF, 8KB)
90974-002.0 Bid Document(PDF, 401KB)
Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Local Time
LOCATION: 1415 Harrison St., Kalamazoo, MI, Building #1, Conference Room A
It is the intent of this contract to have a Contractor provide labor for clean-up work on properties assigned by the City of Kalamazoo. The work required is in response to nuisances created by accumulation of junk, debris, trash, garbage, brush and other unsightly and possibly dangerous materials on public properties, and the removal of materials from the public right-of-way that are in violation of applicable City ordinances.
Site locations may be remote and may require significant manual physical labor to bag and haul trash and debris to street, road or right-of-way areas where further coordination with heavy equipment and roll off dumpsters may be facilitated. Heavy trash and debris may contain sharps and other biohazards. Heavy trash and debris may originate from illegal dumping or camping operations.
Hazardous materials, i.e., batteries, oils, cleaning solvents, liquids stored in drums and paints shall be removed from the property.
All biohazard material shall be transported to the Household Hazardous Waste Center at 1301 Lamont Avenue.
Tires are to be removed from the property and recycled in accordance with all applicable state legislation (See Public Act 451 and all applicable amendments).
All sharps will be delivered to Hospital Network Ventures, 6212 American Avenue, Portage, MI 49002
The City of Kalamazoo will provide transportation and disposal options for non-tires, non-biohazard materials through the use of a packer truck and/or dumpsters/roll off container at each site.
Site inspection and clearing progress site meetings will take place every three days on active sites.