91051-010.0 Bid Tabulation(PDF, 130KB)
91051-010.0 Addendum #3(PDF, 183KB)
91051-010.0 Addendum #2(PDF, 238KB)
91051-010.0 Addendum #1(PDF, 9MB)
91051-010.0 MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance(PDF, 34KB)
91051-010.0 Bid Document(PDF, 10MB)
91051-010.0 Plans(PDF, 8MB)
91051-010.0 Distribution List(PDF, 69KB)
The scope of work involves furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and services necessary to complete the masonry restoration and roof edge replacement for building #5, located at 1415 Harrison Street, Kalamazoo, MI, as stated in the specifications and plans.
The successful contractor shall obtain all work/building permits that might be required. The cost of the permits is the responsibility of the successful bidder.