98852-071.0-bid tabulation(PDF, 72KB)
98852-071.0-Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance Sheet(PDF, 22KB)
98852-071.0-bid document(PDF, 750KB)
98852-071.0-Exhibit A(PDF, 81KB)
98852-071.0-Exhibit C(PDF, 179KB)
It is the intent of the City of Kalamazoo to hire a contractor to provide mowing and trimming services in areas based on these specifications. These areas include but are not limited to parks and various municipal buildings. These specifications apply to those items necessary for and incidental to the execution and completion of mowing and trimming services as indicated herein.
Contractor shall provide all equipment, labor, materials and incidentals necessary to perform the work as described in these specifications.
The contract shall begin January 1, 2025 and shall be in effect for one season (March – November 2025) through December 31, 2025. The City will have the option to extend the contract for (4) four (1) one-year periods. Contract price will remain set for the initial one-year term with the option to negotiate a mutually agreeable price for each renewal.