67000-001.0 Bid Tabulation(PDF, 666KB)
67000-001.0 Addendum #2(PDF, 246KB)
67000-001.0 Addendum #1(PDF, 379KB)
67000-001.0 Bid Document(PDF, 2MB)
It is the City's intent is to purchase water main project materials at the quantities listed for each of the sections. Each section represents a project that is slated for 2023 construction.
It is the intent of the specifications to secure for the City of Kalamazoo the materials which will be most suitable for its type of operation and operating conditions.
This contract is for the listed construction materials and delivery of materials only. All project-specific labor will be bid separately. Delivery costs shall be included in the quoted construction material pricing. Unloading of delivered construction materials shall be coordinated between the Supplier and Section Contractor.