We're currently looking for feedback for the Plan It! phase of Imagine Kalamazoo 2035! There are several public meetings scheduled, or you can share your perspective online in two activities.
Before submitting a bid, please review the terms and conditions. These will cover the requirements and important topics like payment, invoicing, and contracts.
Review Purchasing Terms and Conditions
Review the bid documents for the opportunity. This will include instructions, the scope of work, selection criteria, and specific requirements for responding to the opportunity. It will also include who to contact with questions about the opportunity.
View Current Opportunities
Follow the instructions provided with the bid documents to prepare your submission. Make sure to include all requested documents and information and submit it before the closing date. Contact information is included with the bid document in case you have questions.
Prepared bids and proposals can be mailed to the Purchasing Office at City Hall:
City of Kalamazoo Purchasing Division 241 W South Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Submissions must be received before the stated due date/opening date to be considered.
All submitted bids are sealed and opened at a scheduled time. The public is welcome to attend bid openings. After bids have been opened, the opportunity is closed and submissions are no longer accepted.
The contract is award to the responsible bidder that will best meet the needs of the City according to the selection criteria. The City of Kalamazoo will notify the winning bidder in writing, and the contractor must submit all required insurance certificates and documentation. Once all requirements are met, the City will provide a written Notice to Proceed and work can begin. Contractors may not begin work until they have been given Notice to Proceed.
Unless otherwise specified in a contract, the City will provide payment within 30 days after receipt of an invoice if the services and supplies are satisfactory. Invoices may be sent by email to apinvoice@kalamazoocity.org by mail to:
City of Kalamazoo Financial Services Division 241 W South Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Follow the instructions provided in the bid documents to prepare your submission. Make sure to include all requested documents and information and submit it before the closing date. Contact information is included in the bid document in case you have questions.
Prepared bids can be dropped off to the Purchasing Office on the first floor of City Hall, or to the drop box located near the South Street entrance.
City Hall 241 W South Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Bids are accepted until the listed opening date and time, when all submissions are reviewed.
We are not able to accept bids online, but you can sign up for the City of Kalamazoo's bidders list and be notified when there are relevant opportunities for your business.
Join the Bidders List