Most development projects in Kalamazoo are required to undergo a site plan review and approval process. This makes sure that proposed developments, land uses, or activities meet our community standards. No permits for construction or site preparation can be awarded prior to site plan approval.
All projects require site plan review, except:
- Development or expansion of a one-family or two-family dwelling unit.
- Placement of a dwelling unit in an approved mobile home park.
- Internal construction or change in the floor area of a structure that does not increase gross floor area, increase the intensity of use or affect parking requirements on a site that meets all development and site design standards of this Ordinance.
- Grading, excavation, filling, soil removal, creation of ponds or clearing of trees within an area of less than 1/2 acre in size.
- Temporary Uses
- Expansion or new structures up to and including 250 square feet in area.
- Antenna co-locations in compliance with State Act 514 (plans will be reviewed to determine if Site Plan Review is required)
Site plans are reviewed by the Site Plan Review Committee, which includes City staff representing planning, utilities, building inspection, and the Fire Marshal. Submitted site plans are also available for public review and comment.
Site plan review typically takes between four and six weeks, but it can vary if revisions are needed, or other issues come up.
Are you planning to develop a property in the City of Kalamazoo? Other than a few exceptions, development projects in Kalamazoo are required to undergo site plan review and approval process. This ensures that a proposed development, land use, or activity meets the standards of the zoning ordinance and any applicable state or federal statutes. No permits for construction or site preparation will be awarded prior to site plan approval.
Site plans are reviewed by the Site Plan Review Committee, which includes City staff representing planning, utilities, building inspection, and the Fire Marshall.
Submitted site plans are also available for public review and comment. You can find a list of current site plans here.
All projects require site plan review, except:
- The development or expansion of a one-family or two-family dwelling unit.
- Placement of a dwelling unit in an approved mobile home park.
- The internal construction or change in the floor area of a structure that does not increase gross floor area, increase the intensity of use or affect parking requirements on a site that meets all development and site design standards of this Ordinance.
- Grading, excavation, filling, soil removal, creation of ponds or clearing of trees within an area of less than 1/2 acre in size.
- Temporary Uses
- Expansion or new structures up to and including 250 square feet in area.
The Pre-Application Meeting is the first step in Site Plan Review. During this meeting you can learn about the review process, ask questions about the process or your project, find out if review from other boards or commissions will be necessary (such as Historic District Commission or Downtown Design Review), and finalized your submittal.
To schedule a Pre-Application Meeting, please submit the Pre-Application Questionnaire with any supporting documentation to Only completed applications with a scaled site plan will be scheduled.
Use the Site Plan Review Checklist to guide the development of plans and documentation and use it as the cover page for your site plan. Feel free to contact City staff via email or phone if you are unclear on what is required for your project or have any questions. Incomplete submittals will not be scheduled for review so make sure you provide all information for your project.
Digital submission of the application, plans, & the checklist are required in a PDF format. Please also submit one set of reduced plans (11”x17”). Fees are due at the time of submittal.
If the submittal is complete, a Site Plan Review Committee meeting will be scheduled (a sample timeline can be found here). Most cases are scheduled for review 3 weeks after a complete submittal.
Site plans are reviewed by a staff committee representing planning, building inspections, utilities, and the Fire Marshall. For most projects, the time between submittal of a complete application to a Site Plan Review Committee Meeting is three weeks. Large projects may require additional time (this can be determined during the Pre-Application Meeting).
Comments from the Committee’s review will be provided to you in advance of the Site Plan Review Committee meeting. Plan revisions based upon these comments are not required before the meeting, but are intended to ensure a productive discussion and meeting.
Site Plan Review Committee meetings are currently being held virtually. Instructions will be provided when review is scheduled.
If revisions are needed to your site plan, a summary will be sent to guide you. If revised plans are submitted within one month they will be reviewed within five business days. If they are submitted later than one month, review of the revised plans will take ten business days.
Approval of the site plan will be provided in a letter of approval and signed plans. No permits for construction or site preparation will be awarded prior to site plan approval.