Apply for Business Licenses Find information on what businesses require a license from the City and how to apply.
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority & Economic Development Corporation The BRA promotes revitalizing environmentally distressed or blighted areas in the city. It shares membership with the EDC, which assists with commercial and industrial development projects.
Building & Construction Permits Apply for building & construction permits (building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, etc.)
Business Support Programs The City of Kalamazoo provides funding for a number of programs that support local businesses and entrepreneurs.
CPED Fee Schedule Review fees related to permits, code violations, applications, and other services offered by the Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED) department.
Community Development & Housing Programs Learn how the City of Kalamazoo invests federal, state and local funds to benefit neighborhoods and low-income households to address critical needs in our community.
Home-based Business Standards Learn about standards that permit home-based businesses and help protect the city's residential areas.
Rental Housing Register a rental property, report an issue, or find information about the city's rental registration program
Resources for Entrepreneurs Visit for a list of resources that can help you start or grow your business.
Work with the City of Kalamazoo Become a vendor and provide goods and services to the City of Kalamazoo
Zoning Code The Zoning Code details standards and uses for zoning districts, as well as procedures for review and approval.