Bulk Trash

City residents can take advantage of four free pick-ups for bulk trash items that are too large for regular household trash. Bulk trash pick-ups occur on the given day of the month for your address in March, June, September, and December.

You do not need to request bulk trash collection- just place your items out for collection during the scheduled collection in your area.  

When Is My Pickup Day?

Curbside bulk trash collection happens in March,June,September, andDecember. Your collection day depends on what area of the city you live in. Find your area on the map below or you can click the button to search for your address.

Search for your Collection Days by Address

Bulk Trash Program Map

What's Accepted?


  • Mattresses
  • Damaged or unusable furniture
  • Large household items
  • Items in open boxes or clear bags (so contents can be clearly identified)
  • Up to 7.5 cubic yards of material per collection
  • Small amounts of carpet (cut into 4 x 4 foot squares and rolled) 
  • Fencing (must be cut into 4 x 4 foot sections)

Not Accepted: 

  • Items in black or opaque garbage bags (or any bags or containers that you can't see through)
  • Loose piles of junk
  • Your regular household trash or recyclable materials
  • Yard waste or organic material
  • Tires or large auto parts
  • Rocks, sand, glass, concrete, or construction/renovation materials
  • Paint cans or containers of liquid
  • More than 7.5 cubic yards of material per collection
  • EPS Foam or Electronics
  • Any hazardous waste (please take hazardous materials to the Household Hazardous Waste Center)

Infested Items:

If you have any items that are infested with bedbugs or cockroaches (or anything else), please deface them, cover them with a clear bag, and label them (for the safety of the crew and so no one else picks them up). 


Placing Items at the Curb

You can place items at the curb starting at 7 a.m. the day before your scheduled pickup. Make sure your items are out no later than 6 a.m. on your collection day.

If your items are not collected for any reason, they must be removed from the curb within two days following the completed pickup in your area. If your collection was missed, make sure you report it promptly and no later than 48 hours after your scheduled pickup. 

These times are set by city ordinance so make sure you follow them- items placed at the curb too early or left out too late are considered a nuisance and may result in enforcement action without notice. 

Missed Collections

Please report missed pickups within 48 hours. You can report a missed collection by calling 311 or (269) 337-8000 or online.

Report a Missed Pickup Online


Free Bulk Trash Drop Off

As an added convenience, there are several free days each year that you can drop off bulk trash items to Republic Services for free. The same materials, quantities, and guidelines that apply to curbside pickup also apply to drop off. This is also a great option for Downtown residents.